No7 Designs

Southern Cruisers St Judes benefit ride

I’m so thankful that we have had another opportunity to work with a motorcycle club for a special event; The Southern Cruisers ride to benefit St Judes research hospital, with their local chapter’s annual Tennessee Ridge Runners weekend. I’m glad that we can help bring more attention to such a worthy cause, I hope that our business grows to the point that I can volunteer some of my time to our local branch of St Judes. When I see the commercials or any advertisement for St Judes, my heart goes out to the families with children that are sick. We are a Christian based company that believes in prayer, and we do pray for all those involved with the care of these children. They are a special group of people whom God has given a huge heart, and we wi10866197_10204903337485220_3044242865921573394_o 11228540_10204903151720576_3629653743754560899_o 11411597_10204903389446519_4257607544439782823_o 11538064_10204903342485345_6493560515704668563_o 11693830_10206371143271761_8665599672586852601_nll stand with them.

No7 Designs