No-7 Designs


We have been in business for 7 years and it has had its ups and downs. I have wanted to throw in the towel more than a few times, but luckily I have an awesome wife that talked me off the edge.
I am somewhat of a perfectionist and to my downfall more then I should be. Quality is a big pet peeve of mine, and when a shirt is not quite right I have at times let it get to me. I want”No7 Designs” and “Fund it Tees” to have the best product that is out there in our local market. In my eyes 90% is about quality and the other 10% is price, our products have to look good and last for our clients.
I look at just about every t-shirt that I see when I’m out in town, whether or not someone is wearing a shirt or at Walmart. I am always noticing t-shirts, and I have seen some good ones and some really bad ones.
I took my son to a baseball camp at a local high school, and the shirts that they bought from a local business were subpar, to say the least. The camp was great, and the coaches did a fantastic job. I just hate that the school did not get what they paid for, a good t-shirt to represent them and their baseball camp.
I have added a few images to show how that the registration is off and how that it should have looked. Registration is a necessary part of making a multiple color t-shirt look right, and stand out. I know that it is really hard to get every shirt to turn out perfect, but the colors should be as close as it can be.
We here at No7 Designs are not perfect nor will we ever claim to be! If a t-shirt does not meet my standards of quality we will not let it get to our customers, and if something gets out we make sure to get it right asap. We have given a lot of shirts away to our local Veterans Administration (VA) to give to some of our homeless or struggling Veterans. Giving to the VA helps with the pain of losing profits by helping others in need.

No-7 Designs